Sign from anywhere in the world with electronic signature

firma electrónicamente desde cualquier lugar del mundo

Are you led to sign documents regularly? Nowadays, you can get contracts and other documents signed from anywhere thanks to the electronic signature. Start or reinforce the digital transformation of your company electronic signature so that all processes are streamlined, and customer service improved. Can I sign from anywhere with an electronic signature? The real …

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OTP electronic signature: what is it, reasons to use it and its advantages compared to other signatures

que es la firma electrónica otp y para qué sirve

Do you need to save costs and optimize document signature processes? Electronic signatures are the definite solution, but you need to be familiar with the different types  of esignatures. In this post we are going to focus on the OTP signature; what is it, when to use it, how it is different  from other signatures …

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Differences between digital signature, electronic signature, and digitized signature

Diferencias entre firma digital y electrónica

Long time ago, administrative proceedings in hard copies were customary, but the digital transformation has skyrocketed and nowadays there are different options to submit documents, prepare invoices and send them or sign contracts without printing and with no wet ink signature. In this connection, the terms are easily confused, so in this post we discuss …

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What is an electronic signature? What are the potential use cases?

what is the electronic signature and how can it help you

The traditional way of working is changing due to digital transformation in businesses. Companies handle documents that need to be signed daily and when physically managed, they involve time-consuming validation processes. This post points out how to improve these processes and what an electronic signature is and its potential use cases. What is an electronic …

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Benefits of esignature for SMEs

Are you looking to speed up your signature business processes? In many SMEs there are general services such as that provided by the legal or the human resources department, in which many repetitive processes are carried out and for which the signing of documents is necessary. Therefore, the speeding up of the process is therefore …

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